Advancing Professionalism
Code Collective empowers local tech talent through educational workshops, community-driven meetups, and advocacy for change in the professional environment. We amplify the voices of tech professionals, and likewise consider the needs of the market. By bridging the gap between skilled professionals and employers across public and private sectors, we strengthen the institutions around us. Our approach combines professional development with collective decision making, ensuring each talented professional not only finds their ideal opportunity but also helps shape a more sensible tech ecosystem.
An Improved Hiring Pipeline
The hiring process of today is broken. Companies spend significant resources finding employees, but still seem to hire the wrong people. Code Collective aims to improve the hiring pipeline by evaluating candidates in real development environments before recommending them to employers. With a deeper understanding of the current tech landscape, we offer a more effective alternative to traditional staffing agencies.
Influential Projects
At Code Collective, we tackle a diverse range of projects that bridge technology and real-world impact. There are two major projects underway; the Arkavo web forum and Baltimore ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence). These projects are both a means to develop local tech talent and of monumental importance in themselves.